Wagner M, Wilson SR, Leurgans ES, Boyle PA, Bennett DA, Grodstein F, Capuano AW. Quantifying longitudinal cognitive resilience to Alzheimer’s disease and other neuropathologies. Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. 2022;1-10.
Wagner M, Grodstein F. Patterns of lifestyle behaviors from mid- through later-life in relation to exceptional episodic memory performance in older women: the Nurses’ Health Study. Age and Ageing. 2022;51(5):1-9.
Wagner M, Guimond AJ, Kubzansky LD, Zhang Y, Bennett DA, Barnes LL, Grodstein F. Negative and positive psychosocial factors in relation to cognitive health in older African Americans. Innovation in Aging. 2022.
Cavaillès C, Carrière I, Wagner M, Berr C, Dauvilliers Y, Jaussent I. Trajectories of length and timing of sleep before dementia: a 14-year follow-up study: The Three-City Study. (under review)
Wagner M, Wilson R, Leurgans ES, Boyle P, Bennett D, Grodstein F, Capuano A. Quantifying longitudinal cognitive resilience to Alzheimer’s disease and other neuropathologies. Poster Publication in the Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. 2021;17(Suppl. 10):e055005.
Wagner M, Grodstein F, Leffondre K, Samieri C, Proust-Lima C. Time-varying associations between an exposure history and a subsequent health outcome: a landmark approach to identify critical windows. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2021;21(1):266.
Wagner M, Grodstein F. Trajectoires de l’alimentation et des comportements de santé en milieu de vie en relation avec le vieillissement cognitif exceptionnel chez la femme : la Nurses’ Health Study. Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme. 2021;35(1):31-32
Wagner M, Grodstein F, Leffondre K, Samieri C, Proust-Lima C. Joint modeling of time-varying exposure history and subsequent health outcomes: identification of critical windows. Poster Publication in the Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. 2020;16(Suppl. 10):e039462
Wagner M, Grodstein F, Proust-Lima C, Samieri C. Long-term trajectories of body weight, diet, and physical activity from midlife through late-life and subsequent cognitive decline in women. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2020;189(4):305-313. [Research Article selected by the American Journal of Epidemiology (AJE) and the Society for Epidemiologic Research as one of the 10 best AJE articles published in 2020]
Freitas-Simoes TM*, Wagner M*, Samieri C, Sala-Vila A, Grodstein F. Consumption of nuts at midlife and healthy aging in women. Journal Of Aging Research. 2020;5651737:1-17. (*co-first authors)
- Lefèvre-Arbogast S, Wagner M, Proust-Lima C, Samieri C. Nutrition and metabolic profiles in the natural history of dementia: recent insights from systems biology and life-course epidemiology. Current Nutrition Report. 2019;8(3):256-269.
Wagner M , Helmer C, Tzourio C, Berr C, Proust-Lima C, Samieri C. Evaluation of concurrent trajectories of cardiometabolic risk factors in the 14 years before dementia. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018;75(10):1033-1042.
Wagner M , Helmer C, Tzourio C, Berr C, Proust-Lima C, Samieri C. Long-term trajectories of cardiometabolic risk factors in prodromal dementia: The three-city study. Poster Publication in the Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. 2018;14(7):P1046-P1047.
Wagner M, Dartigues JF, Samieri C, Proust-Lima C. Modeling risk factor trajectories when measurement tools change sequentially during follow-up in cohort studies: application to dietary habits in prodromal dementia. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2018;187(4):845-54.